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Astrolabe … Old Instrument, New Wines

Astrolabe; according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is a compact instrument used mostly by seafarers to observe and calculate their location by observing the position of celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant. Now that we all know what has an...

Sequin Wine …. Something Different

We all make mistakes, but when an entire industry makes one, it’s a whopper. The wine industry made just such a mistake when they missed out on the newest wine craze currently sweeping the country. In the late 1970’s, the world was first introduced to the fruity and...

Simi Wines

It is always a fine day when one is reunited with an old friend and then to discover that the old friend has not changed over the years but has only improved. Of course you realize than the old friend is a wine, but an old friend is still an old friend. In this case,...