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A Mean Spirited Column

This is going to be something unusual for us; a mean spirited column. To begin with, let us set the ground rules. We are wine writers not wine critics. We write about wine in all of its facets and often give our opinions based on over thirty years of experience. These...

Wine Scams

Scammers, scoundrels, scallywags and cheats, the wine industry, like almost every facet of modern business, also has people looking to make a “fast buck” by whatever means possible. Fortunately for us, the consumer, there are government agencies set up in every...

More French BS

Wine collectors, serious wine lovers and oenophiles in general, this column is for you. The French, who in the area of rating their latest vintages, are usually, to use the vernacular “full of it.” They have, in their infinite wisdom, declared that the 2009...

The Drinks of Our Past Presidents

         As a nation, we have allotted February as the month that we remember and honor all of our past presidents. Since our field of interest is wine and spirits we decided to take a look at our presidents and some of the founders of our country and their...